The year 2020 will surely be a big one to study in future high school history books. Each day that goes by, it seems like there is something new for us to tackle. As we currently watch how COVID-19 cases are rapidly changing around the country, we are left to wonder what the next few months hold for us.
While we may not be able to control what may be coming, we can manage our business messaging about it. Marketing plans continue to pivot throughout the ongoing pandemic, and now you may be wondering if your customers are tired of hearing about COVID-19. And then, if we aren’t talking about the pandemic, what are we talking about?
Here are four questions to ask yourself when thinking about your marketing messaging right now:
What are your customers reading?
The best place to start to determine if your customers are sick of hearing about COVID-19 from you is to check out your content analytics. Check out the top read blogs on your website. Take a peek at the engagement on your social media. If your top read and shared content is all about COVID-19, then it’s a safe bet that your audience still wants this information from you. If you see low engagement and views, then you can start to dial back.
What type of content are you sharing?
A best practice would be to keep COVID-19-related content to your business and industry. Are curfew or shut down regulations affecting your hours of operations? Are there new safety regulations you are following that you want them to know? Information relating to your business and its effect on your customers will always be essential for you to share. Posting articles detailing the new numbers of COVID-19 cases each day is not something every business needs to do.
How are you presenting information?
While it’s important to let your customers and prospects know what’s going on at your business, your distribution methods should also be taken into consideration. If you are sending email after email to your customers with updates, they can get fatigued. Instead, think about creating a landing page or blog on your website that you can update as needed. Send an email out letting your customers know that they can access information this way and that you are always available for questions. It’s also good to ask them how they would like to receive information right now. That way, you are giving them what they need in their preferred means.
What else is going on at your company?
Even throughout a global pandemic, other things are going on at your business. New product launches, additional service offerings, virtual event participation are all other activities you can (and should) be promoting in your digital campaigns.
No matter what route you take, the most important thing is to stay loyal to your brand and keep your customers and prospects in mind when posting anything. Make sure your content is relevant to them and their relationship to you.
Need help figuring out your marketing messaging? We are here to help. Check out our marketing services offerings.
The post Are Your Customers Tired of Hearing about COVID-19? 4 Ways to Check in on Your Marketing appeared first on FayeBSG.