The main function of Sage 100 ERP is to help with your accounting need and provide support for your normal business operations. Of course, the Sage 100 software package can perform all of these functions with ease. But what if you’re looking for a little bit more? While tinkering with the software package, we came up with a series of Sage 100 enhancements to make it even more effective. We think our enhancements for Sage are gracefully concise and simple, which is why we refer to them as our elegant enhancements. FayeBSG’s enhancements smooth out Sage 100 to make it as simple for you as possible. With that said, here are a few of our favorite Sage 100 elegant enhancements:
Sales Intelligence Reports:
This is one of our favorite Sage enhancements. It provides you with the tools you need to look at critical system data. With the ability to look at your sales data from every angle, you’ll be able to make the most informed decisions possible about your business. If that wasn’t enough, the Sales Intelligence Reports enhancement functions within your Sage software.
Accounts Payable Document Integration:
This Sage enhancement lets you link documents to accounts payable invoices so you can store your documents the best way for your business. With easier storage for your business documents, you can find them much easier when you really need them.
Inventory Integration with Amazon:
If you’ve ever wanted to integrate your inventory data with Amazon, this is the enhancement for you. By linking your inventory with Amazon, you guarantee that an accurate product list and quantities will be displayed to anyone looking to buy your products. This whole process can be automated so you don’t have to worry about manually checking and updating the products you sell on Amazon.
Auto Complete Purchase Orders:
Our Auto Complete Purchase Orders Sage 100 enhancement helps streamline the process of removing items from your Purchase Clearing Reports. This enhancement will flag complete purchase orders and remove them from Purchase Clearing Reports and Open Purchase Order Reports. By doing this, you can help keep your systems clean and organized.
These are just a few of the elegant enhancements we’ve created for Sage 100. We believe that they can help simplify and streamline everyday processes in Sage, freeing up time and energy to focus on running your business. You can find a full list of our Sage 100 enhancements here.
Of course, because we love modifying software, we are available to create any enhancement you may want for Sage 100. If you’d like more information on how we can enhance your software, please contact us.